Dr Howard Schneider
Dr Howard Schneider

Recent Publications and Presentations

-A New Class of AI -- Navigation Map-Based Cog Architecture
In this paper a new class of artificial intelligence based on the mammalian brain is described. It does not function like an artificial neural network nor like a large language model (LLM, e.g., ChatGPT) nor like a traditional symbolic AI program. Rather, it uses spatial navigation maps to represent the world, learn about the world and operate on the world. This model provides a useful (i.e., supports the data) explanation of mammalian, primate and human brain evolution, operation and dysfunction. As well, it provides a different path towards AGI than that provided by LLMs.
(Image above created by editors at AI Journal for issue's Table of Contents/Titles page illustration --Schneider, H., Navigation Map-Based Artificial Intelligence, AI, 2022, 3(2), 434-464.)
article (invited, published open-access): 

-An Analogical Inductive Solution to the Grounding Problem
 In this paper inductive analogical reasoning is shown to emerge due to a small modification (corresponding to a modest mutation in a biological brain) giving the architecture vastly more power in solving day to day problems. In fact, analogies may power much of human cognition. At the same time, this property allows more robust grounding of the architecture. Grounding of an AI with a real environment may be necessary to enable the realization of advanced and advantageous AI's and AGI's. Analogical reasoning allows grounding with more advanced concepts.

Schneider, H.  An Analogical Inductive Solution to the Grounding ProblemCognitive Systems Research, 2023, vol 77, pp174-216.

article (not open-access): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2022.10.005

preprint (free):



Neural networks have a difficult time demonstrating compositionality (so do all mammals, except for humans). BICA*AI Conference 2023 presentation demonstrating how a cognitive architecture based on the human brain (named the "CCA6") shows the mechanisms (at the level of the cortical minicolumn) that 
allow the modern human brain to be able to automatically perform causal reasoning, inductive analogical reasoning and compositional language processing. It is shown that how with relatively few genetic modifications from the chimpanzee-human last common ancestor brain the human brain emerged with these properties (as well as predicting the emergence of psychosis in humans). The Python software implementation of the equations behind the CCA6 is a straightforward one at present, but nonetheless, represents a very different type of AI than traditional neural networks or large language models (e.g., ChatGPT). Like the human brain, the CCA6 can learn with minimal data and can learn in real time (it does not require terabytes of data nor massive, off-line computer resources for learning). Like the human brain, the CCA6 is fully grounded. 

Schneider, H.  A Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture (BICA) Approach to the Neurosymbolic Gap.  In Samsonovich, A.V., Liu, T. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2023. Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp. 775-786, Springer Nature 2024.

-online: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50381-8_84 

-preprint pdf: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/neurosymbolic_bica_2023.pdf

-Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA5  

Schneider, H.  The Emergence of Compositionality in a Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture, Cognitive Systems Research, vol. 86,  2024. 

-online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2024.101215 (not published under open access; university/corporate library subscription required to access for free)

-preprint: https://easychair.org/publications/preprint/l6wh (slightly different than edited article; free to download)

-Architecture discussed in this paper: ChatGPT, CCA6 




-Elements of the CCA6 architecture have been enhanced past human brain inspiration level into a new CCA7 architecture. In the CCA7 the question is asked that if human brain evolution were to continue in the appropriate environments, what simple mutations could further enhance the core cognitive abilities of the brain and by extension the CCA7 architecture? (While adding a calculator module or a full LLM to the brain would obviously boost cognition (and this hybridization may be done in the CCA8), this is not done here. Rather, the concern is enhancing the core cognitive abilities without adding any external modules).

-It is hoped that a "spark" (to paraphrase Microsoft's Bubeck paper) of AGI as well as of superintelligence (i.e., that the robot car will demonstrate behavior at these levels) can be shown in time for the 2024 conferences. While this representation of AGI is quite different than the text generation of LLM's (e.g., ChatGPT, Gemini) (or even video generation, e.g., Sora) it may be closer (and safer!!) to genuine human-like intelligence than produced by the LLM's.
-Also of interest, given that the internal representations of the CCA7 architecture are navigation maps, a robot car embodiment is being implemented. A Python simulation of the CCA7 running on a desktop computer communicates via ordinary Wi-Fi to the car which has a Wi-Fi chip/board going to an Arduino board which is then wired into the robot car's electronics. Infrared detectors, RGB and an inertial sensor provide a sensory input stream. 

Schneider, H. The Emergence of an Enhanced Intelligence in a Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2024, 18:1367712.

-Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA7 

-GitHub repository -- https://github.com/ (pending) (open source; all code shared; academic/industrial collaborators welcome) (pending GitHub tutorial, whitepaper, full debugging of initial versions)

Schneider, H., Georgeon, O.L. Grounding Artificial General Intelligence with Robotics: The PetitCat Project, In Samsonovich, A.V., Liu, T. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2024: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society, Springer Nature 2024 (pending).
slides: https://easychair.org/smart-slide/slide/QFRw#

preprint PDF: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/petitcat_paper.pdf


Schneider, H. Simulation of Non-Primate Intelligence vs Human Intelligence vs Superhuman AGI vs Alien-like AGI. In: Thorisson, K.R., Isaev, P., Shekhlar, A. (eds) Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS,vol 14951, Springer Nature, 2024. 
-Architecture discussed in this paper: 

preprint PDF: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/agi2024preprint.pdf

online: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-65572-2_17

poster: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/Poster_AGI24.pdf



2025 & 2026:

-Hybridization with von Neumann Compute Module and LLM Module

-The CCA8 architecture now hybridizes with an LLM(s) ("Large Language Model", e.g., PaLM API, GPT-4o API, etc) and a von Neumann Compute Module (i.e.., conventional computer core). It is hoped the LLM(s) can help the CCA8 to create a larger ensemble of instinctive primitives (the pre-programmed instinctive routines which all mammalian brains have, primates having more sophisticated ones) on its own thus obviating the tedious hand coding of such software structures currently.

-Unlike a typical deep learning AI including LLM's, the basic Causal Cognitive Architecture (CCA8) is fully grounded, has continuous/lifetime learning (there is no need to use tens of millions of dollars of compute and massive energy expenditures each time in order to update the weights every few days or weeks), intrinsic causal reasoning,  intrinsic analogical reasoning (which is an important factor in making the CCA8 very human-like in its mental processes; chimpanzees cannot do full causal or analogical reasoning), and intrinsic compositional reasoning and language (again making the CCA8 very human-like in its reasoning and language production, unlike the alien manner in which LLM systems reason and produce language).

-Note: The CCA8 will function without the use of the LLM. The LLM does not represent a core cognitive component but rather is used as a very accessible store of information.

-Once the software is completed to a minimal functional state, the advantages and disadvantages of these hybridizations can be better explored and formalized.

-Note: Current design of the CCA8 architecture is to use a single von Neumann Compute Module and a single LLM module. Hybridization with multiple and networks of LLMs and computer cores, will most probably be attempted in the CCA9 architecture in the future.
-A hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is being developed to allow the CCA8 the ability to support more elaborate robot humanoid embodiments (unfortunately exceeding the budget of the project at present). The CCA8 uses active sensory perception -- all sensory input streams are spatially and temporally bound, and interpreted via a modified predictive coding mechanism. The HAL translates the active sensory perception into signals that more conventional and commercial humanoid robots could function with.






2025 & 2026:

-Synthesis of a Modern Model of Mammalian and Human Brain Function

-While we know millions of different facts about the brains of mammals, including humans, we don't understand how the brain actually functions, i.e., what are the mechanisms that allow it to learn about the world around it and make decisions. (In contrast, we understand very well how a heart functions or how a computer chip functions.) The European "Human Brain Project" and associated projects cost billions of Euros and ran between 2013 to 2023 with the goal of elucidating the mechanisms of brain function. Unfortunately these projects ended in failure with regard to figuring out the mechanisms behind brain function.

-Humans have full causal abilities, full analogical reasoning, compositional language, and unfortunately psychotic disorders -- chimpanzees do not despite extremely close genetic and brain structure (i.e., from evolutionary theory, there was not much time for the emergence of such large differences). The latest changes appear to have occurred very quickly by evolutionary timescales. For example, compositional language exploded on the globe very fast (in conjunction, of course, with other intellectual changes that had occurred). [Note: Regardless of your philosophical or religious background, you can simply view evolutionary theory as a framework to process genetic differences we observe at present. Humans did *not* evolve from chimpanzees. About 6-7 million years there was a common ancestor that split into the group that evolved to modern chimpanzees (yes.... they also evolved  in their own ways over the last several million years) and into the group that became modern humans. Gene flow between the groups is thought to have stopped by 5 million years ago.] How could the large changes, i.e., intellectual abilities in humans, have occurred so fast on the evolutionary scale? The CCA8 model of the brain explains how this occurred.

-In designing and building the brain-inspired cognitive architecture CCA8 (current version) it has provided a deep insight into what mechanisms are required to make a human brain perform the operations it does (and why a chimpanzee does not have these mechanisms). It has also shown how these mechanisms could have *very* easily emerged. A combination of these mechanisms with neuroscience data including neuroimaging results has resulted in the synthesis of a new model of mammalian and human brain function. Work on the model continues this year, with the goal of the first publications of results in the 2025/2026 year.



Note re 'Recent Publications and Presentations':

- these are simply listed sequentially as they occur

-AI/AGI-related journals, patents, software/technology-related, etc usually are indexed differently than biological/medical publications but links are provided below to full papers where possible

-MDPAC Journal articles are not indexed but links are provided to full articles (they represent continuing education to the physician psychotherapist population rather than new research)

-My work in AI and AGI is on cognitive architectures -- this is very different (and much less popular, less funding, less citations, etc) than what is known as modern "AI", i.e., machine learning of large data, large language models (e.g., ChatGPT), etc. I am knowledgeable but do not do work in those areas. 




Recent Conference Presentations

Poster Presentation:
International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders IFMAD 2010
November 17-19, 2010, Vienna, Austria

Schneider, H., Thornton, J., Tarzwell, R., Freeman, M., McLean, M. and van Lierop, M., 3D brain SPECT imaging as an aid in the management of resistant depression

Poster Presentation:
Rotman Research Institute Annual Conference: Neuroscience of Emotion and Emotion-Related Disorders
March 27-29, 2011, Toronto, Canada
Schneider, H., Thornton, J., Freeman, M., McLean, M. and van Lierop, M.,, Management of Chronic Depression with 3D Brain SPECT Imaging: A Case Report

Case Presentation:
Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Scientific Conference
April 28-30, 2011, Niagara Falls, Canada
Freeman, M.A. and Schneider, H., Management of Chronic Depression with Brain SPECT Imaging

 Poster Presentation:
rd International Congress on ADHD
26-29 May 2011, Berlin, Germany
Schneider, H., McLean, M., Freeman, M., Thornton, J., van Lierop, M. and Tarzwell, R., 3D Brain SPECT of ADHD Presenting as Borderline Personality Disorder

 Poster Presentation:
CADDRA 2011 ADHD Conference
14-16 October 2011, Toronto, Canada
Schneider, H., McLean, M., Freeman, M., Thornton, J. and van Lierop, M., 3D HMPAO Brain SPECT Scans as an Aid in the Diagnosis and Management of ADHD

 Nuclear Medicine Grand Rounds:
University Health Network/University of Toronto
27 October 2011, Toronto, Canada
Thornton, J., Schneider, H., McLean, M., van Lierop, M.
Levels of Evidence for HMPAO SPECT Scans in Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry

Brain Spect Imaging in Psychiatry
University of British Columbia/Lionsgate Hospital Department of Psychiatry
October 20, 2012, North Vancouver, Canada
Schneider, H.

Brain Spect Imaging in Psychiatry
University of British Columbia/Lionsgate Hospital Department of Psychiatry
October 20, 2012, North Vancouver, Canada
Schneider, H.
Levels of Evidence for SPECT

Chair of Session: Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Clustering and Applications
2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'18)

August 2, 2018, Las Vegas, USA
Schneider, H. and Nascimento, A.M.

Meaningful-Based Cognitive Architecture
2018 Annual International Conference on Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2018)
 held as part of the Joint Multi-Conference on Human-Level Artificial Intelligence (HLAI-18)
August 22 - 24, 2018, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Schneider, H.

Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1

Subsymbolic Versus Symbolic Data Flow in the Meaningful-Based Cognitive Architecture
2019 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive
 Architectures for Artificial Intelligence (2019 BICA*AI) (name change in BICA)
August 16-19, 2019, Microsoft Main Campus, Redmond, Seattle, USA.
Schneider, H.

Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1

Causal Cognitive Architecture 1 (CCA1): Integration of Connectionist Elements

into a Navigational Framework

Schneider, H.

2020 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive 
 Architectures for Artificial Intelligence (2020 BICA*AI)
November 10-15, 2020,  in  Natal, Brazil -- switched to virtual event 

2020 BICA*AI Pre-Conference August 30, 2020

Please click this link for the slides intended for the Pre-Conference:
Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1

Levels of Intelligence in Artificial and Biological Systems: An Improved Rating Scale
Schneider, H.
2021 Annual Conference on Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures 
September 12-19, 2021
Vienna, Austria
Switched to virtual event
Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA2 & CCA3

Causal Cognitive Architecture 2 (CCA2): A Solution to the Binding Problem
Schneider, H.
2021 International Workshop on Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures at the 21st ACM Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents 
[Note: CCA2 only binds space, while CCA3 published below in Cognitive Systems Research provides a
more general and formal solution binding both space and time]

[Note name change for BICA back to pre-2018 name]
September 14-17, 2021
University of Fukuchiyama, Kyoto, Japan
Switched to virtual event
Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA2

Analogical Problem Solving
Schneider, H.
The 15th Conference on Artificial General Intelligence AGI-22
AGI Society
August 19-22, 2022
Seattle, Washington, USA
Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA3

The Navigation Map-Based Cognitive ArchitectureA New Class of Artificial Intelligence
Schneider, H.  

2022 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence, Sept 22-25, 2022, held at Universidad de Guadalajara,  Mexico

Architecture discussed in this presentation: CCA3

An Inductive Analogical Solution to the Grounding Problem.
Schneider, H.

2022 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence, Sept 22-25, 2022, held at Universidad de Guadalajara,  Mexico

video: https://vimeopro.com/bicasociety/bica2022/video/759325233

Architecture discussed in this presentation: CCA3/CCA4/CCA5 

Winner of  Award for Paper for "Best Innovative Work" at BICA*AI 2022


Alien versus Natural-like Artificial General Intelligences
Schneider, H.,  Boltuc, P.

AGI-23: The 16th Annual AGI Conference

June 2023, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Architectures discussed in this presentation:
ChatGPT, GPT4, CCA5 
video (at 2:36; video capture unfortunately from within Powerpoint):


A Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture (BICA) Approach to the Neurosymbolic Gap
Schneider, H.

2023 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence, Oct, 2023, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China

Architectures discussed in this presentation: CCA5 


The Emergence of Compositionality in A Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture (BICA) 
Schneider, H.

2023 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence, Oct, 2023, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China

Architectures discussed in this presentation: CCA6, ChatGPT



Grounding Artificial General Intelligence with Robotics: The PetitCat Project.
Schneider, H. and Georgeon, O.L.

2024 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence, Aug 12-15/2024, co-located with AGI-24, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Architectures discussed in this presentation: Arduino, CCA7, GPT3.5-Turbo API

slides:  https://easychair.org/smart-slide/slide/QFRw#



Simulation of Non-Primate Intelligence vs Human Intelligence vs Superhuman AGI vs Alien-like AGI.

Schneider, H.

2024 17th Annual AGI Conference  (AGI-24), Aug 12-16/2024, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Architectures discussed in this presentation:CCA7, GPT3.5-Turbo API, GPT4




Recent Mental Health Related Presentations

GPPA 25th Annual Conference
April 27, 2012 1:30-5PM
Toronto, Canada
Schneider, H.
Psychopharmacology of Depression

GPPA 26th Annual Conference
May 25, 2013 1:30-5PM
Toronto, Canada
Schneider, H.
Psychopharmacology of Depression 2013

GPPA Winter 2014 Educational Teleconference Series
February 18, 2014
Schneider, H.
Psychopharmacology of ADHD

OMA Section on Primary Care Mental Health Wednesday Night Series
November 8, 2017
Schneider, H.
Treating Insomnia-- Psychotherapy (CBT-I) and Psychopharmacology

OMA (Ontario Medical Association) Section on Primary Care Mental Health
Rescheduled October 22, 2020 -- Virtual Presentation 
Schneider, H.
AI and the Future of Medicine/Mankind
Please click this link for the slides intended for the talk:

(Please click "download". You will not be able to view all the slides inside GitHub.)


ISAN (International Society of Applied Neuroimaging)
May 16, 2024
Schneider, H.

How the Brain Evolved, How the Brain Works, and Building an AGI Based on the Brain





Recent Publications relating to Psychotherapy, Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry

Schneider, H., Bupropion as First-Line Antidepressant Treatment of Unipolar Depression?, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2009, Vol. 16, No. 3, p 2-4.

Schneider, H. Thornton, J.F., Freeman, M.A., McLean, M.K. and van Lierop, M., Case Report: Low-Dose Brain 3D SPECT Scanning, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2009, Vol. 16, No. 4, p 9-11.

Schneider, H., Pregabalin for Anxiety Disorders, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2009, Vol. 16, No. 5, p 8-9.

Schneider, H., Thornton, J., Tarzwell, R., Freeman, M., McLean, M. and van Lierop, M., 3D brain SPECT imaging as an aid in the management of resistant depression, International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2010; 14(Suppl 1): 36-37

Schneider, H., GPPA 2010 Winter Educational Teleconference Series, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2010, Vol. 17, No. 1, p 3-5.

Schneider, H., Aiming for Remission in Depression – Psychotherapy plus the Combination of Antidepressant Medications at the Start of Treatment,GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X, 2010, Vol. 17, No. 2, p 5-9.

Schneider, H. and Tarzwell, R., Aripiprazole - An Atypical Atypical Antipsychotic, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2010, Vol. 17, No. 3, p 7-8.

Schneider, H., McLean, M., Freeman, M., Thornton, J., van Lierop, M. and Tarzwell, R., 3D Brain SPECT of ADHD Presenting as Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders,  Vol 3, No. 2, P. 138, June 2011

Schneider, H., Management of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2011, Vol. 18, No. 1, p 7-10.

Schneider, H. and Tarzwell, R., Introduction to Neuropsychiatry, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2011, Vol. 18, No. 2, p 3-6.

Schneider, H. and Tarzwell, R., Diagnosis and Management of Borderline Personality Disorder, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2011, Vol. 18, No. 3, p 3-6.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Failure of Antidepressants, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2011, Vol. 18, No. 3, p 13-14.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Atypicals for Dementia?, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2012, Vol. 19, No. 1, p 5-6.

Schneider, H., Management of Adult ADHD, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2012, Vol. 19, No. 2, p 5-11.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Refractory OCD, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2012, Vol. 19, No. 2, p 18-19.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Unstable Depression, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2012, Vol. 19, No.32, p 12-14.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Extreme Anxiety, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2013, Vol. 20, No. 1, p 9-10.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Traumatic Brain Injury, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2013, Vol. 20, No. 2, p 8-10.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Single Episode of Antidepressant-Induced Mania, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2013, Vol. 20, No. 3, p 8-11.

Thornton, J., Schneider, H., McLean, M. et al, Improved Outcomes Using Brain SPECT Guided Treatment vs Treatment as Usual in Community Psychiatric Outpatients: a Retrospective Case-Control Study, Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 2014; 26:51-56.



Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Schizoaffective Disorder, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2014, Vol. 21, No. 1, p 10-12.  

 Raji, C., Tarzwell, R., Pavel, D., Schneider,H., Uszler,M., Thornton,J., van Lierop, M., Cohen, P., Amen,D. and Henderson, T., (2014) Clinical Utility of SPECT Neuroimaging in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91088. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091088   http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0091088

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Complex Mood and Personality Disorders , GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2014, Vol. 21, No. 2, p 11 - 13.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Treating ADHD in the Family, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2014, Vol. 21, No. 3, p 4 - 6.

Schneider, H., Thornton, J., Freeman, M. et al, Conventional SPECT versus 3D Thresholded SPECT Imaging in the Diagnosis of ADHD: A Retrospective Study, Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 2014: 26:335-343.  http://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/doi/abs/10.1176/appi.neuropsych.12110280


Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Untreatable Depression, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2015, Vol. 22, No. 1, p 5 - 7.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Personality Disorder and Depression, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2015, Vol. 22, No. 2, p 3 -6.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2015, Vol. 22, No. 3,  p 3 - 7.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Delusional Disorder, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2016, Vol. 23, No. 1,  p 3- 6.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: A Case of Chronic Pain, GP Psychotherapist, ISSN 1918-381X,  2016, Vol. 23, No. 2,  p 4- 7.

Schneider, H. and Xie, L., Algorithm and Method for Automated Acquisition of Medical History, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems 2016 p 159 - 160, ISBN 1-60132-437-5, CSREA Press.

Schneider, H. and Xie, L., Algorithm and Method for Automated Processing of Medical E-mails, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems 2016 p 161-162, ISBN 1-60132-437-5, CSREA Press.

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Tardive Dyskinesia, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2016, Vol. 23, No. 3, p3.-7.  

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Recurrent Unipolar Depression in the Older Patient, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2017, Vol. 24, No. 1, p 7-10.

Schneider, H. and Shaw, G.Y., 
Psychopharmacology Corner: Insomnia - Part 1, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2017, Vol. 24, No. 2, p 4- 9.

Schneider, H. and Shaw, G.Y., Psychopharmacology Corner: Insomnia - Part 2, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2017, Vol. 24 , No. 3, p 4- 8.

Schneider, H. and Shah, S., Psychopharmacology Corner: EmergencyTreatment of Agitation, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2018, Vol. 25 , No. 1, p 7 - 11.

Schneider, H., Non-Hybrid Meaningful-Based Learning System Using a Configurable Network of Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence pp 96-102; Aug 2018.
Architecture discussed in this paper: 

Schneider, H., Meaningful-Based Cognitive Architecture. Procedia Computer Science, 9th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, BICA 2018,edited by Samsonovich, A.V.,  2018, 145:471-480.  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050918323974
Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1

Schneider, H., Psychopharmacology Corner: Can We Prevent Schizophrenia?, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2018, Vol. 25, No. 2,  p 4 -7.https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/Fall%20MDPAC%202018.pdf

Schneider, H.Psychopharmacology Corner: CANMAT Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Major Depressive Disorder, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2019, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp 4 - 9.



Schneider, H. (2020) Subsymbolic Versus Symbolic Data Flow in the Meaningful-Based Cognitive Architecture. In: Samsonovich A. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019. BICA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 948. Springer, Cham
Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1


Schneider, H. (2020) Schizophrenia and the Future of Artificial Intelligence. In: Samsonovich A. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019. BICA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 948. Springer, Cham

Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1


Schneider, H. (2020) Emergence of Belief Systems and the Future of Artificial Intelligence. In: Samsonovich A. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019. BICA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 948. Springer, Cham

Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1


Schneider, H. and Kapustin, D. Psychopharmacology Corner:  Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2019, Vol. 26 , No. 2, pp 4 -8.


Schneider, H.  The Meaningful-Based Cognitive Architecture Model of Schizophrenia, Cognitive Systems Research, 2020, vol 59 pp 73-90.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2019.09.019


Architecture discussed in this paper: pre/CCA1


Kapustin, D. and Schneider, H. Psychopharmacology Corner:  CANMAT Guidelines for Managing  Bipolar Disorder, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2020, Vol. 27 , No. 1, pp 4-10.



Schneider, H. Psychopharmacology Corner:  Panic Disorder, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2020, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp 4-10.



Schneider, H.  Causal Cognitive Architecture 1: Integration of Connectionist Elements into a Navigation-Based Framework.  Cognitive Systems Research, 2021, vol 66, pp 67-81.



Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA1


Schneider, HPsychopharmacology Corner: Health Canada Jan 6, 2021 Summary Safety Review: Post-SSRI/SNRI Sexual Dysfunction, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2021, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp 4-5.


Schneider, H.  (2021). Chapter: Applying Principles from Medicine - What can AI Learn from Medicine? In Lidströmer, N., Ashrafian, H. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Springer Nature, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-64573-1, printed version pending/electronic version in press.

pdf: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/AIM_chapter_medicine_to_AI.pdf

video accompanying the chapter: https://vimeo.com/573088152


Schneider, H. (2021). Chapter: Artificial Intelligence in Schizophrenia. In Lidströmer, N., Ashrafian, H. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Springer Nature, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-64573-1, printed version pending/electronic version in press.

pdf: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/AIM%20Schizophrenia%20chapter.pdf

video accompanying the chapter: https://vimeo.com/578934812


Schneider, H.Psychopharmacology Corner: Deprescribing Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonists, Medical Psychotherapy Review, ISSN 2370-3083,  2021, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp4 - 8.


Schneider, H.  Causal Cognitive Architecture 2: A Solution to the Binding Problem. In: Klimov, V.V., Kelley, D.J. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2021. BICA 2021. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2022, vol 1032, Springer, Cham. 
paper: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/CCA2.pdf
slides: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/CCA2_BICA2021_full_slides.pdf


Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA2


Schneider, H.  Causal Cognitive Architecture 3: A Solution to the Binding Problem. Cognitive Systems Research, 2022,  vol 72, pp. 88-115.

video tutorials (scroll down to bottom of the paper):https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2021.10.004

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA3


Thornton, J., Schneider, H., Cohen, P.F., DeBruin, S., Uszler, J.M., Siow, Y-H., McLean, M., van Lierop, M.J., Pavel, D.G., Henderson, T.A. Longitudinal SPECT Neuroimaging as an Indication of Improvement in Psychiatric Disorders in A Community Practice, Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022,  13:787186. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.787186
online and article pdf:  


Schneider, H.  Navigation Map-Based Artificial Intelligence. AI, 2022, 3(2), 434-464.
(Invited paper for MDPI new, major journal covering advances in the field of artificial intelligence, including reasoning and intelligent robotics as well as mainstream machine learning. "Despite a long history of the AI field in the twenty and twenty-first centuries, there are a lot of open problems that need to be solved".--Kenji Suzuki, editor)
online and article pdf:  

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA4 


Schneider, H.,  The Navigation Map-Based Cognitive ArchitectureA New Class of Artificial Intelligence.  In Corchado, F.F.R., Samsonovich,A.V. (eds) The 2022 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence, Procedia Computer Science,vol 213, pp 263-270.

online and article pdf: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2022.11.065

video presentation: https://vimeopro.com/bicasociety/bica2022/video/759324697

slides: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/new_class_of_AI.pdf

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA3 


Schneider, H.  Analogical Problem Solving in a Cognitive Architecture.  In Goertzel, B. et al.(eds) Artificial General Intelligence 15th International Conference, AGI 2022, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), 13539, 2022,  Springer Nature, pp. 100 - 112.


pdf:  https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/agi2022%20proof.pdf

video: https://vimeo.com/735422109

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA3 


Schneider, H.  An Inductive Analogical Solution to the Grounding ProblemCognitive Systems Research, 2023, vol 77, pp174-216.

online and article pdf: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2022.10.005

pdf of preprint: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/analogical%20inductive%20preprint.pdf

prelude to this video: https://vimeopro.com/bicasociety/bica2022/video/759324697

video of presentation: https://vimeopro.com/bicasociety/bica2022/video/759325233

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA5 


Schneider, H., Boltuc, P., Alien versus Natural-like Artificial General Intelligences, In Hammer, P., Alirezaie, M., Strannegard, C. (eds) Artificial General Intelligence,  AGI 2023, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence  - LNCS vol. 13921,  Springer Nature, 2023.

online: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-33469-6_24

preprint pdf: https://agi-conf.org/2023/2023-accepted-papers/

Architectures discussed in this paper: ChatGPT, GPT4, CCA5 

Schneider, H.  A Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture (BICA) Approach to the Neurosymbolic Gap In Samsonovich, A.V., Liu, T. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2023. Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp. 775-786, Springer Nature 2024. 

online: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50381-8_84

preprint pdf: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/neurosymbolic_bica_2023.pdf

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA5  


Schneider, H.  The Emergence of Compositionality in a Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture, Cognitive Systems Research, vol 86, 2024.

online (you need a university/corporate subscription to access or else physical library access; not published under open access)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2024.101215

preprint pdf (free access; slightly different than peer reviewed, edited article): https://easychair.org/publications/preprint/l6wh

Architecture discussed in this paper: ChatGPT, CCA6 


Schneider, H.  The Emergence of Enhanced Intelligence in a Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2024, 18:1367712.

online: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2024.1367712/full

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA7 

GitHub: https://github.com/OlivierGeorgeon/osoyoo


Schneider, H.Georgeon, O.L. Grounding Artificial General Intelligence with Robotics: The PetitCat Project, Short Technical Communication for presentation at BICA*AI 2024 In Samsonovich, A.V., Liu, T. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2024: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society, Springer Nature 2024 (pending). 

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA7

slides: https://easychair.org/smart-slide/slide/QFRw#

preprint PDF: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/petitcat_paper.pdf



Schneider, H. Simulation of Non-Primate Intelligence vs Human Intelligence vs Superhuman AGI vs Alien-like AGI. Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2024, . In: Thorisson, K.R., Isaev, P., Shekhlar, A. (eds) Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, vol 14951, Springer Nature, 2024.

Architecture discussed in this paper: CCA1, CCA6, CCA7, ChatGPT, GPT4

preprint PDF: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/agi2024preprint.pdf

online: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-65572-2_17

poster: https://github.com/howard8888/insomnia/blob/master/Poster_AGI24.pdf





CCA8 Software:

:)  Python with Standard Lib, PyPI modules, stable API's/third-party modules

:)  Clean, human code -- every line serves a purpose


Compiled software runs under Windows 11. (Will run under most versions of Linux as well, pending some lower level changes, many already in the code.) Most CPU's ok. GPU resources not required. 32GB RAM (16GB for CCA8). 2TB SSD (1 TB for CCA8).  Optional: Internet access for LLM API (optional -- CCA8 will function without LLM access.)


Code for CCA8 (or portions thereof) expected to be released in 2025. 

Every day starts with coffee and coding